Vorträge bei der European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health
Bei der European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health (ECRSH18), die vom 16.-18. Mai 2018 in Coventry, England stattfindet, halten IUNCTUS-Mitarbeiter diverse Vorträge zu franziskanischer Spiritualität und geistlicher Trockenheit.
Auszug aus dem Konferenzprogramm:
Symposium VII: Franciscan Spirituality – Leadership Competences and Values; Chair: Arndt Büssing (Germany)
- Thomas Dienberg: The basic characteristics of the Franciscan spirituality are a way how to deal with important aspects and challenges of the postmodern world
- Markus Warode: “Meet people at eye level” – Integration of Franciscan aspects in leadership today
- Arndt Büssing: The transformative aspects of Franciscan spirituality are relevant not only for sisters and friars but also for non-religious persons
Session VI: God Attachment, Resiliency, Compassion and Health
- Arndt Büssing: Overcoming phases of Spiritual Dryness in Catholic Priests and their association with Compassion and Altruism
Keynote Lecture:
- Arndt Büssing: Empirical Data on Patients’ Needs to Forgive and to be Forgiven
Pre-Conference Workshop:
- Arndt Büssing: Selection of R/S instruments – European Perspective
© Foto Coventry: Tanya Dedyukhina, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52361798
13. März 2018
Arndt Büssing